UK, Greater London, London trip planner. Plan your travel route on map, share with your friends and family & find great vacation deals to London with Voyajo

Destination creator (Voyajo Team)

London is the capital of England and the United Kingdom, the largest metropolitan area in the United Kingdom and the largest urban zone in the European Union by most measures. London has been a major settlement for two millennia, its history going back to its founding by the Romans, who called it (...) (from Wikipedia).
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Destination trips content

From Trip: Trip around United Kingdom
By: granna

  • Buckingham Palace
  • Royal Institution
  • Piccadilly Circus
  • Museum of London
  • Tower of London
  • Tower Bridge
From Trip: Trip around United Kingdom
By: granna

  • British Museum
  • Dominion Theatre
  • Madame Tussauds
From Trip: Europe (Aug 1st - Sept 21st)
By: mykron19

09/21: Arrive in London Friday in the evening and start road trip through UK.

From Trip: UK (Sept 21st - Oct 15th)
By: mykron19

09/21 - day 1 - reach London in the evening from Brussels; spend 1 night 09/22 - day 2 - start trip on Saturday

From Trip: UK (Sept 21st - Oct 15th)
By: mykron19

10/13 - day 23 - Drive 25 min to London; stay overnight 10/14 - day 24 - meet Bebe 10/15 - day 25 - fly out to NZ

From Trip: Europe 2012

Day 1: We will probably sleep of jet lag this day

  • Westminster Abbey
From Trip: London the cultural city
By: yoel

Day 1:  – Royal London
Start – Westminster Underground Station.
The point of departure for this route is a visit to Westminster Abbey. The abbey is situated on the northern bank of the Thames, right next to Big Ben and Parliament. At the end of the visit to Westminster we recommend crossing Whitehall Street towards the river bank and visiting Big Ben and Parliament. 
In order to reach the next station on the route – the London Eye Ferris Wheel, you need to cross the river by walking over Westminster Bridge. Immediately after crossing the river you turn left and walk for a few minutes along the river's southern bank, heading north, until you reach the London Eye Ferris Wheel. It's very prominent, and you can't miss it. 
When the ride on the Ferris wheel comes to an end we recommend crossing the river back to its northern bank, the same way we came, on Westminster Bridge. 
Immediately after crossing the bridge, turn and walk right (north) on the northern bank of the Thames along the Victoria Embankment. When you reach Northumberland Ave., turn left (west) and walk on the wide avenue until you get to Trafalgar Square. 
After getting a general impression of the square, and feeding the pigeons that abound there  we recommend a visit to the National Gallery. 
After visiting at the National Gallery, walk along The Mall. A large part of this walk goes through St. James Park, until you reach Buckingham Palace. This is the end of the route for the first day. 
End: Hyde Park Corner Underground Station.

  • Westminster Abbey
  • Big Ben
  • London Eye
  • Trafalgar Square
  • National Gallery
  • Buckingham Palace
Day 2: – Northwest London
Start – Paddington Station
After leaving Paddington Station, go around to the back of the station. Here there's a narrow passage for pedestrians leading towards Little Venice. If the direction isn't entirely clear you can ask one of the policemen stationed at the station's entrance to show you the way to Little Venice. 
After visiting the Little Venice area and looking at the boats that dock there, we recommend walking along Regent's Canal until you reach Regent's Park. When you get to the border of the park, turn and walk right (south) along the border of the park on Park Road, until you reach the Madame Tussauds Wax Museum. Here we recommend visiting the Madame Tussauds Museum, on the southern edge of Regent's Park. 
When the visit is over cross the park to the north. You practically walk along the entire length of the park on a path called The Broad Walk, until you get to the London Zoo. Throughout the park are signs pointing in the direction of the zoo. When you finish visiting the zoo we recommend that you continue to walk along the canal. A paved path right by the canal leads from the northern edge of the zoo to Camden Town. Here you should visit and do some extensive shopping at Camden Market, which is one of the cheapest places to shop in this city. 
The tour ends at the Camden Town Underground Station.

  • Little Venice
  • Regent's Canal
  • Regent's Park
  • Madame Tussauds
  • London Zoo
Day 3: – Along the Riverbanks
Start: The St. Paul Underground Station.
The first station on this route is St. Paul's Cathedral, located on the northern bank of the River Thames. After visiting the giant cathedral, walk south towards the river. After crossing Queen Victoria Street you reach the bank of the Thames and the newest bridge that crosses over the river. This is a bridge for pedestrians called The Millennium Bridge, and it was inaugurated in 2000. 
After crossing the river over the metal bridge you arrive at the entrance of Tate Modern, and you visit the gallery. 
At the end of the visit at the gallery, you should walk along the river heading east (the river is to your left). Several hundreds meters away is Shakespeare's reconstructed Globe Theatre. 
In the evenings you can see a play at the theatre, and during the day we recommend touring around the building. 
After this visit, continue further east along the southern bank of the river until you reach London's new City Hall. After touring around the building, which looks like a glass egg slanted on its side, cross the river to its northern bank, over Tower Bridge. 
We recommend visiting the different stories of the bridge, and from there continuing on to visit the Tower of London on the northern bank. 
End of the route: the Tower Hill Underground Station.

  • St. Paul's Cathedral
  • Millennium Bridge (London)
  • Tate Modern
  • Shakespeare's Globe Theatre
  • City Hall (London)
  • Tower Bridge
  • Tower of London
Day 4: – Center of Town
Start: Piccadilly Circus Underground Station.
From the Piccadilly Circus station walk northeast along Coventry Street. This is considered to be one of London's most beautiful and lovely areas. It has interesting fashion shops and a lot of bookshops and art galleries. We recommend walking along Leicester Street, crossing Charing Cross, then continue to walk on Long Acre Street until you get to Covent Garden, and then spend some time there. 
After that, walk along Bow Street heading northwest, and from there continue to Endell Street, until you reach Bloomsbury Street and continue to the British Museum. Visit the British Museum and afterwards return to Bloomsbury Street and walk south until you reach Oxford Street, the city's most famous shopping street.
Take a walk on Oxford Street, heading west to the edge of Hyde Park until Marble Arch. Along this walk you'll pass by some of the largest department stores in London. We recommend a visit to Selfridges. 
This route ends at: Marble Arch Underground Station.

  • Covent Garden
  • Piccadilly Circus
  • British Museum
Day 5: – Kew Gardens and the City's Southwest
Start: Westminster Underground Station
To visit the Royal Botanical Gardens, take the Underground's District line (green) towards Richmond until the Kew Gardens station. 
After visiting Kew Gardens take the same line to the South Kensington station. When you leave the station, cross Cromwell Road heading north, and walk along Exhibition Road until you reach the Natural History Museum and the Science Museum. 
After visiting these museums, walk back to Cromwell Road and head northeast. If you continue walking on Brompton Road you will reach one of the best known department stores in the city – Harrods. 
End of the route: Knightsbridge Underground Station.

  • Natural History Museum
  • Science Museum
  • Harrods
From Trip: Europe Holiday
By: rcamareno1

  • Buckingham Palace
  • Madame Tussauds London
  • Tower Bridge
  • Tower of London

  • Westminster Abbey Museum
From Trip: Europe
By: gurtonp

Day 1: Check into hotel, rest and recover from jet lag. (European Hotel) Then head out (if up to it) for a nice dinner nearby.
Day 2: Big english breakfast at the hotel. Still will be getting used to jet lag, take it easy today but also try and head out to explore the town. Suggestions a ride on the london eye, a ride on the double decker bus, light shopping and some dinner!

  • London Eye
  • London Bridge
  • Tower of London
  • Tower Bridge
Day 5: Check out of Hotel by 11am, get on the train and head to Paris. 3 hour train ride to Paris, arrive and check into hotel, relax and head out for a lovely French dinner.
From Trip: Europe 2014
By: alderwiser

3 days

From Trip: Europe 2012
By: doyce

16th September 2012
Arrive London airport, Heathrow , @ 0540hrs at terminal 3
Walk to terminal 1 for flight to Dublin
Depart Heathrow @ 0955hrs on Aer Lingus flight E10155

From Trip: Europe 2012
By: doyce

9th October 2012
Arrive at Heathrow airport @ 1135hrs. Airport transfer by Cosmo travel to Kensington Hotel 109-113 Queen's Gate | South Kensington, London.

From Trip: Europe 2012
By: doyce

19th October Taxi? to Hyde Park Suites, 8 Craven Hill, London for 6 nights accomodation.
25th October 2012
Depart London by train @0915hrs for Paris

From Trip: Go East towards London Olympic Park
By: yool

Day 1: Starting at Liverpool Street tube.
The first attraction will be the Dennis Severs' House which is very unique and bring you to an atmosphere of a Georgian house. 
Next I will go to  Geffrye Museum which gives demonstrates periods of time from 1600 till our time.
Now come the time to get closer to the Olympic atmosphere by walking  to Victoria Park and start seeing what happens there. After a break in the Park I will go to the ArcelorMittal Orbit , the high observation tower to have a panorama view of all the entire Olympic park.
The Olympic Stadium will be the highlight of the day with all the competitions and the atmosphere.
You can see the detailed directions in the Trip Summary although they can be some changes as all the area was reconstructed.

  • Dennis Severs' House
  • Geffrye Museum
  • Victoria Park, London
  • ArcelorMittal Orbit
  • Olympic Stadium (London)
From Trip: London for Planet Eclipse
By: jamesfrankfurt

  • Borough Market
  • London Bridge
  • Tower Bridge
  • White Tower (Tower of London)
  • Royal Exchange, London
  • St Paul's Cathedral
  • Millennium Bridge (London)
  • Tate Modern
  • Shakespeare's Globe Theatre
  • Tate Britain
  • Westminster Abbey
  • Big Ben
  • Horse Guards (building)
  • St. James's Park
  • Buckingham Palace
  • Hyde Park, London
  • Marble Arch
  • London Palladium
  • Piccadilly Circus

  • Camden Market
From Trip: 4 Days, London
By: dewang

  • Madame Tussauds
  • London Eye
  • Tower of London

  • Sea Life London Aquarium
From Trip: london trip
By: psimpson5133

  • Tate Modern
  • Tate Modern
From Trip: london trip
By: psimpson5133

  • Leicester Square
From Trip: london trip
By: psimpson5133

  • Tate Modern
From Trip: Electric Car Charity Road Trip - UK & Ireland End to End
By: kfletcher

From Trip: Backpacking Europe
By: mcnamare

  • London Eye
  • Big Ben
  • Palace of Westminster
  • Buckingham Palace
  • Tower Bridge
  • Westminster Abbey
  • Piccadilly Circus
  • Madame Tussauds
From Trip: uk by car
By: rachelj

  • Chiswick House
From Trip: euro
By: esalimon

  • Buckingham Palace
  • Westminster Cathedral
  • Shakespeare's Globe Theatre
From Trip: My first one
By: camilaventura

  • British Museum
  • Madame Tussauds
  • Buckingham Palace
  • Big Ben
  • Palace of Westminster
From Trip: Europe Trip
By: JosieWeller

  • Wellington Arch
  • Nelson's Column
  • Shakespeare's Globe Theatre
  • Borough Market
  • London Stone
  • London Dungeon
  • Madame Tussauds
  • Little Venice
From Trip: Europa Fonseca-Aguilera Family Vacation 2014
By: guayo

  • Buckingham Palace
  • Tower Bridge
  • Madame Tussauds
  • Westminster Abbey
  • Piccadilly Circus
  • Tower of London
  • Palace of Westminster
From Trip: Eurotrip
By: kandielyse

Visit Tahlia. London Eye. Buckingham Palace. Big Ben. Westminster Abbey. Camden Markets. Oxford Street. Harry Potter Experience. 

  • London Eye
  • Little Venice
  • Sherlock Holmes Museum
  • London Zoo
From Trip: Minnion Trip:
By: lindsay95

  • London Eye
From Trip: Europe 2014
By: maiarezk

  • Madame Tussauds
  • British Museum
  • National Gallery
  • Trafalgar Square
  • London Eye

  • Piccadilly Circus
  • Westminster Abbey
  • Big Ben
  • Buckingham Palace
  • Piccadilly Circus

  • Tower of London
  • Tower Bridge
  • Palace of Westminster
  • Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum
From Trip: My trip
By: mikeheroys

  • Savoy Theatre
  • Nelson's Column
  • Royal Academy
From Trip: UK road trip
By: karmalo

  • Hammersmith Bridge
From Trip: England
By: eliv

  • Victoria and Albert Museum
  • Sherlock Holmes Museum
  • Regent's Park
  • St. Paul's Cathedral
  • White Tower (Tower of London)
  • Tower Bridge
  • Shakespeare's Globe Theatre

  • Shakespeare's Globe Theatre
  • London Eye
  • Big Ben
  • Westminster Abbey
From Trip: england
By: thomasbb

  • Buckingham Palace
  • Big Ben
  • Cenotaph

  • Madame Tussauds
  • Sherlock Holmes Museum

  • London Zoo
  • Regent's Park

  • Tower of London
  • London Dungeon
  • Shakespeare's Globe Theatre

  • British Museum
  • Nelson's Column
From Trip: tom
By: lynnebu

  • London Eye
  • Big Ben
  • Palace of Westminster
  • Westminster Abbey

  • British Museum
  • Buckingham Palace
  • Tower Bridge

  • Madame Tussauds
  • Tower of London
  • London Dungeon

  • Museum of London
From Trip: UK
By: seh2110

Madame Toussauds

  • London Eye
  • London Dungeon
From Trip: UK
By: seh2110

  • London Heathrow Airport
From Trip: EuroTrip 2014
By: georgaco

  • Buckingham Palace
  • Big Ben
From Trip: England
By: eurotrashben

  • London Heathrow Airport
From Trip: Eng Scot Iirland
By: urinbal

  • Greenwich Park
From Trip: Francia 2014
By: carlosyair

  • Buckingham Palace
  • Victoria Memorial, London
  • Canada Gate and Canada Memorial
  • Garden at Buckingham Palace
  • Queen's Gallery
  • Westminster Chapel
  • Westminster Cathedral
From Trip: summer
By: triporg

  • Victoria Embankment
  • Royal National Theatre
From Trip: European Adventure
By: Jih

  • Marble Arch
  • Marble Arch
  • Hamleys
  • Piccadilly Circus
  • Trafalgar Square
  • Covent Garden
  • Leadenhall Market
  • Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom
  • London Dungeon
  • London Eye
  • Big Ben
  • Westminster Abbey
  • Horse Guards Parade
  • Buckingham Palace
  • Harrods
  • Kensington Palace
  • Lords Cricket Ground
  • Madame Tussaud's London
From Trip: Londyn
By: kolas76

  • Piccadilly Circus
  • Trafalgar Square
  • Victoria Memorial, London
  • Westminster Abbey
  • Palace of Westminster
  • London Eye
From Trip: UK2014
By: sauceypaw

  • Buckingham Palace
  • Westminster Abbey
  • London Eye
  • Covent Garden

  • Tower of London
  • Shakespeare's Globe Theatre
  • St Paul's Cathedral
From Trip: London, England
By: cmgruny

  • Tower of London
  • Tower Bridge
  • London Bridge
  • Millennium Bridge (London)
  • St. Paul's Cathedral
  • British Museum
  • Trafalgar Square
  • London Eye
  • Big Ben
  • Westminster Abbey

  • Piccadilly Circus
  • Hamleys
  • Buckingham Palace
  • Madame Tussauds
  • Harrods
From Trip: Scotland 2014
By: pientka

  • Globe Theatre
  • Tower Bridge
  • London Eye
  • Westminster Abbey
  • Piccadilly Circus
  • Tower of London
From Trip: UK 2014
By: NutYong

  • London Heathrow Airport
  • The Windmill
From Trip: Switzerland - England
By: andyhope

  • Greenwich foot tunnel
From Trip: uk and paris
By: randyread

  • Buckingham Palace
  • Big Ben

  • London Eye
From Trip: CraigandShellstrip2Europe2014
By: CraigWylde

  • Tower of London
From Trip: The London Experience
By: Lina_Parra12

  • London Marriott Hotel Park Lane

  • London Transport Museum

  • London Canal Museum

  • London Museum

  • London Fire Brigade Museum
From Trip: Europe
By: jenn

  • Buckingham Palace
  • Westminster Abbey
  • London Eye
  • Big Ben
  • Tower Bridge
  • Piccadilly Circus
  • Madame Tussauds
  • British Museum
  • Tower of London
  • Palace of Westminster
From Trip: Padierna Verano
By: iaroches

  • Piccadilly Circus
  • London Bridge
From Trip: Continental Teaser + Euro-Centric
By: JosieWeller

  • Buckingham Palace
  • Westminster Cathedral
  • Westminster Abbey
From Trip: Europe
By: Samantha12

  • Buckingham Palace
  • Westminster Abbey
  • Big Ben
  • London Eye
  • St. Paul's Cathedral
  • London Dungeon
  • Tower Bridge
  • Kensington Palace
From Trip: London Summer 2014
By: WilliamChan

westminister abbey

From Trip: Eastern Europe
By: monicax

  • London Eye
  • Big Ben
  • Westminster Abbey

  • Tower of London
  • Trafalgar Square
From Trip: 40th
By: lenzie75

  • London Heathrow Airport
From Trip: Zirtual Trip Plan
By: mmbeltrami

Eat At: Brawn (after Sunday flower market), Rasa, The Dolls House
Stay At: Best London Hostel or Palmer's Lodge - Swiss Cottage

From Trip: UK 2015
By: Abhorsen0

  • Highgate Cemetery
  • Buckingham Palace
  • Westminster Cathedral
  • British Museum

  • London Eye
  • Victoria and Albert Museum
  • Trafalgar Square
  • Globe Theatre (Newcastle Street)
  • Harrods
From Trip: Europe bwalkera
By: Darrenwalk

  • Buckingham Palace
  • Palace of Westminster
  • Victoria Memorial, London
  • Tower of London
From Trip: Extended Europe
By: paulafischer

  • Buckingham Palace
  • Westminster Cathedral
  • Westminster Abbey
  • Palace of Westminster
  • Big Ben

  • British Museum
  • Madame Tussauds
  • Piccadilly Circus
  • Tower Bridge
  • Tower of London
From Trip: London
By: MajaBacnik1

  • Science Museum
From Trip: dream trip
By: ew80195

plane from Auckland to London 24 hours

somethings to do

british musem

London eye


From Trip: Donna's Wedding
By: Angie&MarkJ

  • Buckingham Palace
  • Westminster Abbey
  • Big Ben
  • Tower Bridge

  • Piccadilly Circus
  • Madame Tussauds
  • Tower of London
  • Piccadilly Circus
  • Palace of Westminster
From Trip: ultimate getaway
By: JenniferLynnWilliams

december 14-21

From Trip: Tres semanas en Europa
By: MarcoPoloIII

  • Adria Hotel
  • Trafalgar Square
  • Piccadilly Circus
  • Big Ben
  • Palace of Westminster
  • Westminster Abbey
  • London Eye
  • Westminster Cathedral
  • Buckingham Palace
  • Hyde Park, London

  • Victoria Embankment
  • Tower Bridge
  • White Tower (Tower of London)
  • London Bridge
  • St Paul's Cathedral
  • Soho Square
  • Kensington Palace

  • Portobello Road
  • Abbey Road Studios
  • Regent's Park
  • Madame Tussauds
  • British Museum
From Trip: Europe
By: chloe1

  • London Heathrow Airport
From Trip: London Tour
By: sienah

  • Greenwich Playhouse
From Trip: Europe--Sept.-Oct. 2015
By: tberrycastle

  • St. Paul's Cathedral
From Trip: USA
By: BenSmith

Fly London to New York JFK, Flight DL4358, flown by Virgin Atlantic VS111
Flight time LHR 12.30 - JFK 15:25

  • London Heathrow Airport
From Trip: USA
By: BenSmith

  • London Heathrow Airport
From Trip: UK2015
By: DanielBates

  • Holiday Inn Express London - Swiss Cottage
From Trip: Honeymoon 2015
By: LeeWatkins

Arrive: 15:05pm
Bus: Departs Heathrow 18:35pm - arrives Stroud 21:15pm

  • London Heathrow Airport
From Trip: Europe 2015
By: RebeccaSSchiller

  • Buckingham Palace
  • London Eye
  • Big Ben
  • British Museum
  • London Dungeon
  • Shakespeare's Globe Theatre
  • Covent Garden
  • Piccadilly Circus
  • Palace of Westminster
  • Camden Market
  • Tower of London
From Trip: Scotland
By: gelud

  • London Heathrow Airport
From Trip: Scotland
By: gelud

  • London Heathrow Airport
From Trip: American Life
By: NicholasCamero

  • London Heathrow Airport
From Trip: tammy trip
By: dafni38

  • Natural History Museum

  • London Transport Museum
  • Leicester Square

  • Hamleys
  • Piccadilly Circus
From Trip: trip
By: dales

  • Tower Bridge
  • White Tower (Tower of London)
  • London Bridge
  • Big Ben
From Trip: NZ to UK
By: HelenCook13

  • Buckingham Palace
  • London Eye
  • Tower of London
  • Big Ben
  • Madame Tussauds
From Trip: amazing
By: sebastiantarlach

  • London Heathrow Airport
From Trip: London 15`
By: ofirnir

  • Soho Square
  • British Museum
From Trip: My South America Journey
By: GraemeBarrow

Day 1;
Board link train

From Trip: Fall 2015
By: Girly0703

Arrive by Plane to London England on Sept. 16th 2015

Day 1: Arrive Wednesday September 16th in London, England.
From Trip: BMTH to Skyp
By: avadheshMishra

  • Kings Cross Inn Hotel
From Trip: 50 + overlander
By: Edinburger

  • Westminster Abbey
  • Buckingham Palace
  • Sherlock Holmes Museum
  • Horse Guards Parade
  • Globe Theatre
  • Tower Bridge
  • Camden Market
  • Piccadilly Circus
From Trip: The next chapter!
By: Katt_Elenor

  • London Heathrow Airport
From Trip: Vakantie 2015
By: EddyCrequie

  • London Heathrow Airport

  • London Heathrow Airport
From Trip: Europe: Greece to UK
By: Kimmystrip

London Eye, Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, Palace of Westminster, British Museum, National Gallery, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, Shakespeare Globe Theatre, Absolute Radio Studios, BBC Studios, Beatles Museum

From Trip: Carol's 50th
By: GDunn

Day 1: tour city on a bus package or something
From Trip: Europe 40Anos

Day 1:

Tentar pegar Hotel na Piccadilly Circus Roteiro 1 – você visitará os principais cartões postais da cidade, começando pelo Big Ben, fazendo um circuito que inclui o Palácio de Buckingham, Trafalgar Square e termina na famosa roda gigante panorâmica, a London Eye.

Day 2: Roteiro 2 – um passeio por um dos bairros mais nobres de Londres, em que se localizam o comércio de luxo da cidade, incluindo a loja de departamentos Harrods, três museus maravilhosos e o Hyde Park/Kensington Gardens. Neste dia, você terá oportunidade de tomar um delicioso e super tradicional chá da tarde.
Day 3: Roteiro 3 – neste roteiro, você visitará a Torre de Londres e, na sequência, passearemos de barco pelo Rio Tâmisa até Greenwich. No final do dia, uma visita especial à Catedral de São Paulo, ou à galeria de arte moderna Tate Modern.
Day 4: Roteiro 4 – você conhecerá o impressionante Museu Britânico, seguido de um passeio por Covent Garden, Leicester Square, Piccadilly Circus e pela região comercial da cidade. Para terminar, o roteiro inclui o museu de cera Madame Tussauds ou uma excelente galeria de arte.
From Trip: August 2016
By: XanderSchomaker

  • London Heathrow Airport
From Trip: nomad
By: christo


From Trip: Europe
By: StaceyJane88

Stay 4 nights

Travel by eurorail to paris

From Trip: Hilda & Tom
By: honeymoss

Leave London City Airport on CITYJET WX281

at 2:30 PM.  Arrive in Florence at 5:55 PM.

Private Transfer by Savoy Hotel from Airport to Hotel





Conf # 86758056  Superior Deluxe King Bedded Room with Virtuoso Amenities

  • London City Airport
From Trip: test
By: spdhosting

  • London Transport Museum
  • Hamleys
  • Wellington Arch
  • Little Ben
  • Westminster Cathedral
  • Buxton Memorial Fountain
  • Regent's Park
From Trip: UK
By: inaa

  • Westminster Cathedral
  • Big Ben
  • Palace of Westminster
  • Parliament Square
  • Westminster Abbey
  • Westminster Central Hall
  • Poets' Corner
  • Buckingham Palace
  • Trafalgar Square
  • Nelson's Column
  • National Gallery
  • Piccadilly Circus
  • Avenue of Stars, London
  • Covent Garden

  • Tower Bridge
  • Tower of London
  • London Stone
  • St Paul's Cathedral
From Trip: Luna de Miel Europa
By: adolfort

  • London Heathrow Airport
  • Big Ben
  • Westminster Abbey
  • London Eye
  • British Museum
  • Tower Bridge
  • Tower of London
  • Parliament Hill Lido
  • Buckingham Palace
From Trip: London
By: CleetusAwrightus

  • Sherlock Holmes Museum
From Trip: UK Trip
By: JiaQinHo

  • Borough Market
From Trip: 2016 Trip via Thailand
By: Suzyqjaycob

  • London Heathrow Airport
From Trip: alvarez.santi's trip 2
By: alvarez.santi

  • Buckingham Palace
  • The Guards Museum
  • Westminster Abbey
  • Big Ben
  • London Eye
  • Tower Bridge
  • Piccadilly Circus
  • White Tower (Tower of London)
  • Palace of Westminster
  • Imperial War Museum
  • Covent Garden
From Trip: Wolfie's trip 1
By: Wolfie

  • London Heathrow Airport
  • London City Hotel

  • London City Airport DLR station

  • London City Airport DLR station
From Trip: brucenix's trip 2
By: brucenix

2/10/16 Hotel check-in.

3/10/16 Hotel check-out and collect hire car.

Drive to Stratford-upon-Avon via Oxford

From Trip: adfergie's trip 1
By: adfergie

  • Big Ben
From Trip: scottone11's trip 1
By: scottone11

stay with steven and wendy

  • London Eye
  • Madame Tussaud's London
  • London Zoo
From Trip: mjacksonmd's trip 1
By: mjacksonmd

  • St. Paul's Cathedral
From Trip: DebDugas's trip 1
By: DebDugas

  • London Heathrow Airport
From Trip: DarylChechel's trip 1
By: DarylChechel

  • Buckingham Palace
  • Trafalgar Square
  • National Gallery
  • Westminster Abbey
  • Tower of London
  • St Paul's Cathedral

  • Big Ben
  • Palace of Westminster
From Trip: Graduation Present 2017
By: kayrash

Day 1: Tower of London, London Bridge
From Trip: Americaribbean
By: GalRossabi

British Airways 117
London (LHR)
Terminal: 5

New York (JFK)
Terminal: 7
Class: Economy (N)
7h 35m duration

  • Camden Town Hotel
From Trip: United Kingdom
By: dbarrett307

  • Sherlock Holmes Museum
From Trip: Emilywong's trip 1
By: Emilywong

  • Big Ben
  • Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Walk
  • Hyde Park
From Trip: strome's trip 2
By: Strome

6+30 min via A16

From Trip: dorothydang's trip 1
By: dorothydang

Day 1: Arrive London at 2:10pm
From Trip: Eastern Europe
By: JohnT

Fly is easiest, train is expensive, there's also a bus

From Trip: peachie1002's trip 1
By: peachie1002

  • Tower Bridge
  • Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom
  • St. Paul's Cathedral

  • Big Ben
  • Westminster Abbey
  • Buckingham Palace
  • Kensington Gardens
  • Sherlock Holmes Museum
  • Brown Hart Gardens

  • British Museum
  • Covent Garden
  • Leicester Square
  • Piccadilly Circus
From Trip: Duncan's trip 3
By: Duncan

  • Kensington Roof Gardens
From Trip: RachelMendoza's trip 1
By: RachelMendoza

  • Big Ben
From Trip: Xmas Europe 2019 O/S Ph 0489 938 180
By: stritthof2

Arrive Saturday 30th November 2019
Depart Thursday 5th December 2019
5 Nights

From Trip: e.miranda's trip 1
By: e.miranda

  • Science Museum

  • National Gallery
  • British Museum

  • Imperial War Museum
  • West End theatre

  • Lord's Cricket Ground
  • Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum
From Trip: Jim and Shelley trip 1
By: shelleycollinsrn

  • Buckingham Palace
  • Big Ben
  • Palace of Westminster
  • Buckingham Palace

  • London Bridge
  • Tower of London
  • Museum of London
  • London Dungeon
From Trip: Grand UK
By: DianneRosson

Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, Hampton Court Palace, London Walks

From Trip: Speculative 1
By: TimWebb

  • Clapton Square
From Trip: ervington's trip 2019 April

  • Buckingham Palace
  • Big Ben

  • Tower Bridge
  • Tower of London
  • British Museum
From Trip: twen006's trip 1
By: twen006

  • Grand Royale London Hyde Park
  • Big Ben
  • Westminster Abbey
  • Churchill War Rooms
  • Battle of Britain Monument in London
  • Horse Guards (building)
  • Cenotaph
From Trip: London 2019
By: stritthof2

  • Wellington Arch
  • Garden at Buckingham Palace
  • Buckingham Palace
  • Westminster Cathedral
  • Westminster Abbey
  • Palace of Westminster
  • Big Ben
  • Cenotaph
  • Horse Guards Parade

  • Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Walk
  • Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Walk
  • Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain
  • Kensington Gardens
  • London Museum
  • Kensington Palace
  • Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Playground
  • Marble Arch

  • London Eye
  • Banqueting House, Whitehall
  • Horse Guards (building)
  • Piccadilly Circus
  • London Trocadero
  • Trafalgar Square
  • Avenue of Stars, London

  • Wimbledon Park
  • Cannizaro Park
  • Wimbledon Windmill
  • Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum

  • Harrods
  • Science Museum
  • Royal Albert Hall
  • Kensington Roof Gardens
From Trip:'s trip 1

22nd April Manchester 

From Trip: cerysmcadam's trip 1
By: cerysmcadam

  • London Eye
From Trip: m.menegol's trip 1
By: m.menegol

  • London Heathrow Airport
From Trip: allwoman's trip 2
By: allwoman


From Trip: staceym4252's trip 2
By: staceym4252

  • Natural History Museum
  • Leicester Square
  • Covent Garden
  • Southwark Cathedral
From Trip: CarlWafer's trip 1
By: CarlWafer

  • London Heathrow Airport
  • London Heathrow Airport
From Trip: Spritie02's trip 1
By: Spritie02

  • Kensington Palace
  • Natural History Museum
  • Victoria and Albert Museum
  • Sherlock Holmes Museum
  • British Museum
  • National Gallery
  • Buckingham Palace
  • Westminster Cathedral
  • Westminster Abbey
  • Big Ben
  • Tower Bridge
  • Tower of London
  • Museum of London
  • Tate Modern
From Trip: RYLIETHOUSE's trip 1

  • Big Ben
  • Buckingham Palace
From Trip: preteau's trip 1
By: preteau

  • London Heathrow Airport
From Trip: preteau's trip 2
By: preteau

  • London Heathrow Airport
From Trip: PaulH1954's trip 1
By: PaulH1954

  • Lancaster Gate Hotel
From Trip: dhindel18's trip 1
By: dhindel18

Begin in London by dropping off luggage at Phoebe's family friend's place. Arrive on May 6th. Leave May 8th. 

From Trip: Europe 2023
By: Arthur

  • Big Ben
  • Harrods
  • London Eye
From Trip: anatxu's trip 1
By: anatxu

Gatwich aereport to Victoria station

From Trip: mlord's trip 1
By: mlord

  • London Heathrow Airport
From Trip: george2008's trip 1
By: george2008

  • Apsley House

  • London Gatwick Airport
From Trip: rgabel's trip 1
By: rgabel

  • Big Ben
  • Buckingham Palace
  • Tower Bridge

  • London Eye
  • Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom
From Trip: RuthSherman's trip 1
By: RuthSherman

  • Imperial War Museum
From Trip: BJAD's trip 2

  • Buckingham Palace
  • British Museum
  • Covent Garden
  • Charles Dickens Museum
  • White Tower (Tower of London)
  • Borough Market
  • Imperial War Museum
  • Sherlock Holmes Museum
  • Harrods
  • Victoria and Albert Museum
  • Natural History Museum
From Trip: KiwiRuth's trip 1
By: KiwiRuth

  • London Heathrow Airport
From Trip: LONDRA
By: maurizioblini

  • British Museum
  • British Museum

  • British Museum
From Trip: London area
By: Gswalz

  • Kensington Palace
  • Buckingham Palace
  • Churchill War Rooms
  • Big Ben
  • Palace of Westminster
  • St. Paul's Cathedral
  • Globe Theatre
  • Tower of London
  • Tower Bridge



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