Ecuador, Napo, Tena trip planner. Plan your travel route on map, share with your friends and family & find great vacation deals to Tena with Voyajo

Destination creator (Voyajo Team)

Tena, the capital of the Napo Province, is an attractive and quiet city in the Amazon rainforest. Known as the “cinnamon capital' of Ecuador, and originally founded by missionary explorers, Tena has emerged as one of the top industrialized centers of Ecuador (...) (from Wikipedia)


Destination trips content

From Trip: My South America Journey
By: GraemeBarrow

Day 25-27;
Today we travel overland to Tena, located on the edge of the Amazon. From
there we are transferred for 45 minutes by truck to the local community
of Pimpilala that will be our home for 3 nights. Stay with a Quichua
family and enjoy the hospitality of these wonderful people, and
experience life in the jungle first-hand.

The rainforest is the
traditional home of many indigenous communities, whose traditional
homelands and way of life are threatened by the encroachment of 20th
century industries like mining, petroleum exploitation and large-scale
cash-crop farming. Among the most representative are the Siona-Secoya,
Cofan, Huaorani, Shuar, Ashuar and Quichua. We will visit the Ricancie
community and learn about the traditional lifestyle of these indigenous

There is also an incredible amount of biodiversity in
this area. We will see a staggering variety of rainforest vegetation and
may be able to spot some of the birds that spend their time hiding in
the canopy of the forest. There are over 500 species of trees per acre
have been recorded in the jungles of the upper Amazon. If this doesn’t
seem particularly astonishing, consider that this is ten times greater
than either Europe or North America, and you will begin to appreciate
the significance of the conservation of this area and others like it.



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Ecuador, Napo, Tena Travel Guide

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Posted: 02/03/2015 Updated: 05/03/2015

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